week's shout out goes out to my scriptures. I don't know where you are and I'm
so bummed out. I had them at church yesterday and I left them in the sacrament
room and I accidentally forgot them there but I went back and they were gone!
My name tag and my name is on them too. So whoever it was, stole scriptures in
God's house from a servant of the Lord. What's funny, is I got a prompting
before church not to take my scriptures. I thought that wasn't a prompting
because it sounded really strange but now I know why. Bummer :(

It's been real guys. This week has been really strange because I
guess I'm coping with this whole idea of going home. For 18 months, home has
been from apartment to apartment, ward to ward, and my real home with my
biological family has been like a dream. Just doesn't seem real. Or possible.
It's so bittersweet. It feels like I just left yesterday for my mission, but it
also feels like I've been here forever. But luckily, I can go home after 18
months with no regrets. It still amazes me that I made it this long hahaha but
it's. I'm really just lacking the words to express myself. I've learned so much
and I know I'm not going to return the same person as when I left. And I'm 99%
sure it's for the better. I know God loves all of us. He has made me aware of all
the tender mercies we receive each day, things we take fore granted, but things
that are so intricately woven into the fabric of our lives. It's incredible.
The doctrine taught in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
Christ's gospel that was taught when He was on the earth, and the Book of
Mormon testifies of it. There is no greater work this His. And this is
Love you all and I'll see you soon.
Sister Kwan
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