Anyways, that's kind of a sale, but
mostly so you understand the story I'm going to tell later. It was a week of
miracles. We were so blessed in finding more people to teach! Well they were
referrals, but so golden!
Candy has parents that are members in
Antioch, and she was waiting for her dad to start going to church again so that
she could get baptized, but he never came around. She has a cute daughter and
another one on the way! She's the sweetest, oh my goodness. She's so prepared
and she's so ready! We just need to help her have a firm testimony and she will
be on her way. She really is the best though. Well, not really because there's
a lot of people, but she's awesome!
The other family we found is from
Egypt! They moved here from Egypt 2 months ago! They were facing a lot of
opposition in Egypt, but they are so happy to be here. Every time we come, they
are all so excited. The main people we are teaching are dad, Sobhy, and the
daughter, Christien. They came to 2 sessions of conference with us. Christien
is so ready. She has such a sweet spirit and a sincere love of Christ. There is
a slight language barrier, but luckily the language of the spirit is universal.
The mom is looking for a job, and she's very concerned, so she hasn't really
been focused in our lessons, but her little brother who's 16 understands just
about everything. It's pretty awesome. They told us that we can come over
anytime! Which, we wouldn't because that'd probably be a little overwhelming,
but it's clear that they can feel a difference in their lives when we are
around vs when we aren't.
Met one of our less actives this week
who specializes in holistic medicine and acupuncture? Anyways, she was doing
this body test on us to see what we're allergic to. I'm allergic to eucalyptus
trees and I guess things from Australia? But guess what my companion is
allergic to. LETTUCE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WAS DYING OH MAN. For real though. It
was hilarious. But she really is. Ever since she came to America, she's had
this rash on her left hand. This week we went the whole week without any
lettuce, either no salad, or a spinach salad. Her hand was doing better.
Yesterday, we had a lettuce salad and suddenly the rash is worse! It's
hilarious but thinking about it, it probably really shouldn't be this
This week's bike mishap. We bought
the slime stuff as mentioned above, and I was filling the tire up.. then it
blew up! I guess I over pumped it. I just kind of watched it happen. I was
watching it and the tube popped up and I was like that can't be good. Then it
just blew up. And it was like that Nickelodeon show where they dump slime on
people only it shot out at me. And the walls.
Conference was awesome this week. I
really liked it! This week I'm super motivated to start on those Christlike
attributes. It's going to be hard but it's going to be awesome. Starting today,
I'm doing one attribute every week until I go home. This way I can be more
converted and come home and glow and all that stuff. Naw I'm just kidding. I
just hope this works haha but the prophets have promised blessings and I trust
them. Watch conference if you didn't! It was awesome!
Love you all. So so much.
Sister Kwan
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