week's shout out goes out to my companion. Everyone thinks we don't like each
other, and they're right. Haha I'm just kidding, I love her to death.
So not really much to
report on this week. Well actually I have like 5 minutes left so that's what
there isn't much coming to mind.
It was kind of cool
because I got to be in the Tongan program for a day. (It's a LONG story.) They
are the sweetest people, for real. They are so nice and they're always looking
out for us. It was interesting because even though there totally is a language
barrier, I could understand these people and their life situations. They're
super nice. Consecration is not an issue at all. It's truly amazing.
We also met Art! He
met with the missionaries before and now he's meeting with us! He is a super
funny guy. He was telling us all about how the government is watching all of
us. Kind of freaked Sister Sotele out, but he wouldn't tell us what his job is.
Then we texted Sister Tsan and she told us haha but he made such a big deal out
of it! He's read the Book of Mormon twice, and the missionaries came at a time
that he really needed it, so he has a wonderful opinion of the church. And he
goes to church all the time! We are so excited to meet up with him again.
Love you all!
Sister Kwan
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