This week's shout out goes out to Smash. Go get 'em.
I'm kind of tired of typing today haha so sorry this one will
probably be lame.
This week our ward starts the 40 day fast! Every family in the
ward fasts for a day and we just work with them so they can be member
missionaries. Sweet deal right? Some people are more excited than others, but I
think it's going to be great. And I bore my testimony yesterday and I was like
"Why would over 80,000 young adults leave their family, friends, and
education, to ultimately face rejection on a daily basis? That's... that's
stupid." I did, in fact, say stupid over the pulpit. People were paying
attention though, let me tell you. Anyways, we meet with the family a couple
days before they fast, and then the day they break their fast. The first family
we did it with was great. We had this awesome discussion about aliens, bigfoot,
mermaids, unicorns, and ghosts. I'm actually convinced on the existence of...
all of them at this point haha. Seriously though. I'm a believer.
We scheduled appointments with Amanda, but she bailed on just
about all of them. We found out she drove to the Golden Gate bridge to clear
her head and I was like "Wait are you-? She better not jump" but
she's ok. That night we also had a member meet us there at the chapel and she
calls us whispering like "...hey. There's a guy by the light post and I'm
not sure if he's talking to his dog or himself so I'm just going to chill in my
car..." poor girl. Then we dragged her out to see a less active and since
his house was gated, we got creative. We went through his neighbor's gate and
like hiked through a small forest and got to his house. Luckily he was there,
because it was like pitch dark outside. Long tangent, sorry. We were going to
see Amanda Sunday at church, but she was in Oklahoma. Who even goes there?
Haha but she's going through a really hard time and we're sitting here like
"hey, if you listen to us, we can make your life better, ten-fold,
promise!" But I don't think she's sold. We're still working on it
I love this ward. The best was this one lady who I had talked to
at the reception, and I was like "Yeah, my favorite food is pizza and my
favorite flavor of ice cream is... chocolate." Turns out she was feeding
us this week! And guess what we had? That's right, mashed potatoes and chicken.
Naw, I'm just kidding. She made us homemade margarita pizza! And bought chocolate
ice cream. Sure do love this ward. I mean, who does that? Bless her heart, I'm
so so grateful. We had pizza 3 times this week. Didn't even have to pray for it
We were able to meet up with our Muslim investigator twice this
week! Her name is Ozzy. She is seriously the sweetest. She is soooo ready. We
asked if she'd be baptized and she was like "YES! Of course!" And
honestly, I think we should just have a choir following us to sing
"Hallelujah" everytime something wonderful happens. It'd probably get
annoying but they sort of go off in my head and Sister Slaughter thinks I'm
crazy everytime I start laughing. But she's really really great. We are going
to keep teaching her and hopefully everything goes well!! :D
This week we had a ward barbecue and there were some homeless
people we tried to convert. Haha jk we just tried to give them a Book of
Mormon. One guy was like "I already have one" and the other one sped
off faster than a snail. We got to talk to a bunch of people and there was a 13
year old girl who was there there with her aunt who wasn't a member and I
started trying to find a young woman her age to talk to her. But I'm talking to
this girl, and I'm changing her name, but I was like "Annie. Go talk to
that girl, she needs to talk to someone who isn't over 50." and she goes
"Why? She seems kind of anti-social and I don't need friends." And in
my head I was like "Jesus didn't need you either." In the end, I sold
her on it, because how could you say no to this face? It's impossible. But I
don't remember being that frustrating to work with. I'm pretty sure we went and
talked to people on our own but whatever
Something that popped into my head while I was tossing and
turning at night was this one really really awful day I had and it's
4:30 and I pull into the parking lot of my workplace and just break down.
And I called my friend and she was like comforting me, but then I had to go to
work at 5. I cleaned myself up a little and walked in, but my boss was like
"Are you ok?" And I lied and said yes, as most people do haha. Then
she was like "Well, I'm here if you need to talk." And that kind of
made all the difference. It wasn't pushy or overbearing, it was just really
supportive. I think as people, sometimes we forget that we don't need large gestures
to get a point across, sometimes it's just really simple. And you don't know
what's going on in a person's life, so why pretend? Everyone has their own
demons, the last thing we need to do is make it worse.
I'm attaching the pictures I said I would last week! They're
great! I found a clown nose! How much do you miss me now? Haha :)

everyone has a great week! Just keep swimming
Sister Kwan
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