
Monday, December 2, 2013

Remember [the] Alamo

This week's shout out goes out to the Alamo 1st ward. You guys are seriously the best. 


So as you might've guessed, I got transferred! As of tomorrow, I will be in Clayton. I honestly have no idea where that is, but I guess it's relatively near by haha. Everyone says it'll be great, so I hope no one is lying :) When I found out, it was like this:
Me; Sister Olsen, something's wrong with me.
Her: What's going on?
Me: My chest. It's like. Aching.
Her: It's your heart. It's hurting. Hey, you're human! 


Thanksgiving was pretty awesome. We started the day at Sunrise, the assisted living place. That was very nice, I love it in there. The people are usually happy. Maybe not all the time, but on Thanksgiving, most of them were. Then we went to the Coons' house. Seriously, favorite family in the ward. They were hilarious. We didn't eat, but we helped cook. Which was insane. I don't know if I'm up for doing all that when I have a family. There's so much food for so many people. So. Many. Potatoes. Then we dropped by the Greenan's, who had a HUGE family gathering. That was a lot of people. But they were all SO nice. And the food was really good. We ate a ton. We sat at a table with us, the Alamo 2 elders, and 2 little girls. They were hilarious. In a little bit of a mean spirited way, but still pretty funny. Afterwards, we went to go meet up with some elders at the Target, and there were people already lined up trying to buy things there. It's 6. Black Friday is going insane. Then we went to the Saxton's. Becca's the funniest. Her dad started playing her music, and she ran and hid in the bathroom. It was a really nice visit, with everyone home and what not. It was a really great Thanksgiving. Lots of time to reflect on what I'm grateful for, but no time to sleep. I'm grateful for that, but as much as I am grateful for it, I never seem to get enough of it. 

We have a couple new investigators! There's Isabella, who we met at the wedding. She's so sweet. She told me she would make me a ring haha but she took a Book of Mormon! And she said she'd read it! She's from Columbia, so I almost wish I took Spanish. Almost. Then there's Peter and Mele. We tracted into them and at first Peter was like "Naw, you'll never sell me on this." But then he sat himself down and just listened for a little and he says, "Oh man, you guys are getting me. What do I have to give up to be baptized?" Boom. Only, they didn't come to church on Sunday, but that's okay. We will meet with them again. They are so ready it's crazy. They're looking for a church and most of their family is already Mormon. 

We met with this lovely lady in the ward, Margarita. She's lived a really really hard life. But sitting there with her and hearing her testimony, it just blew me out of the water. She's so so sweet. And humble. She recognizes God's hand in her life and never takes it for granted. I hope I can be more like her someday. She just has so much faith, especially after everything she's been through. It just astounds me. She is a wonderful wonderful person, love her. 

So here's my thought for the week. Bishop announced that I was leaving yesterday, and suddenly everyone starts telling me how much they love me and how great I am. Yes, yes, inflate my ego. I had a conversation with a girl and it was like this:

Girl: Will I ever see you again?
Me: Well of course you will! 
Girl: I know in like the spirit world after we die and stuff but what about in this life?
Me: Uhhh (still shocked at the question) well...

And it's not like I don't want to see her again, I just had never thought about it, Know why? Because I really didn't know she liked me that much. I wish I'd known the whole time. If you feel that way about someone, why not let them know sooner? Major character flaw of mine, but I've decided to work on it. Who ever it is needs to know how you feel about them BEFORE they leave so they can appreciate your appreciation. It's very simple, really. So life goal from this point on is to let people know how I feel about them before it's too late! 

Hope you all had a tryptophan filled Thanksgiving!
Sister Kwan

PS- Christmas is coming up. Missionaries love packages. And mail. ;)

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