This week's shout out goes out to the activity
day girls! Thanks so much for the package. The food was very much appreciated
Leave it to America to create a holiday that
has the word "labor" in the title, where we should all have the day
off (ironically), but 75% of the population still works.
People have said they've e-mailed me but I
haven't gotten anything at all... so just know that if you sent me something
and I haven't responded in a month, it's because I haven't gotten it. So
re-send it! I don't know what's wrong with this e-mailing system but yeah. Do
So, as of last
Tuesday, me and Sister Lutui are companions again! It was kind of a shocker. I
didn't have time to write about it last week so I didn't even bother haha. But
I walked out of the temple and Sister Lutui and Sister Lepa were there and she
goes "We're companions now." and I was like "Huh?" and then
she told me what happened and I was like "Shoot you're actually serious
aren't you" and so we have been together for a week. It's been an
interesting adjusting period. But it's good to be back together :) she's
Miracles, miracles,
Sandy has a baptismal
date! I went over with Sister Lutui and she came up with this metaphor for the
gospel using "Plants VS Zombies" and she totally loved it. Then we
talked about the questions she would need to answer and she said, "If I
knew it was this easy, I would've gotten baptized when I was 8!" She's so
cute. The only struggle is the rest of her family. We went to pick her up for
church yesterday and she came out and said her family was going to bring her to
church. It was kind of lame because they didn't even show up, but it's ok. We
are just concerned that they will not be as supportive as we would like them to
We did a ton of
service these past couple weeks. We moved a bunch of people from their homes to
storage units to pods to whatever. Lots of manual labor. These was this guy who
asked us to weed for him. Little did we know that when he said "weed my
yard" he meant Discovery Bay. But not actually. His house is on a hill and
underneath there's a hill of rocks and then it's water. So I guess we were
under the house on a hillside of rocks pulling weeds. It was kind of crazy. No
one fell into the water. Not that we wanted to either, the water was
Stopped and visited
Janey. Right place right time BECAUSE she was like, "You know, I was just
thinking this morning that I need to go to church. And I was asking my brothers
if they had read the scriptures earlier today. And now you guys show up and you
know. I really needed it." What a blessing. What a miracle. When things
like that happen, you just want to go and bring the choirs back to sing for
you. It was awesome. She was super happy.
I'm just about out of
things to say haha. Something I've been thinking about lately is the temple. It
truly is a special place. The people of Oakland are so blessed to have one so
close, and we are so lucky to almost have one in Philadelphia! It's great. I
love it.
Have a great week!
Love you all.
Sister Kwan